Thanks for sharing these thoughts, Cara. I really really loved this episode. I’m enjoying this slow burn. And after a rewatch I thought the council meeting scene was also pretty significant. His concern for her was so evident and that over the shoulder look seemed like she was looking for his reassurance that all would be well. And he gave it. Along with a look of pride in her for being so unselfish. Felt like they are being set up to meet this challenge together which is one of the things I am hoping for most in their relationship. Seeing them meet challenges together as a team. I’m hoping for some conversations about previous events (ie, Fort Clay, and “looking for Jack”) but not sure we will get them and maybe we don’t really need them. But I’m super curious about whether or not we will get them.

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hey there. totally agree. I haven't had time for a rewatch-- but I'm going to tomorrow. That council meeting and all 3 of their reactions and concern/notice was everything. He does this so well-- he's there and he has thoughts/feelings but he doesn't jump in to "save" her. He's ready if she needs him. I totally agree that the next 5 episodes I think are them operating as a team-- first with Higgins and she shares something painful from her past, then Tom comes back for 2 episodes and then Allie storyline with her biological dad. I'm guess N leans on E more there. So much bonding! I need to keep watching older seasons-- I've really only looked at S1 and the first half of S6 in depth recently-- to see if this "partnering" thing was as strong with Jack. Maybe it's another benefit of blended family and more mature love. I do think we will get some sort of big conversation-- wondering though if Elizabeth will have to be triggered and then Nathan comes in on it-- sees it, so they can process through together. Wondering if that's the hay bale. Maybe she's in stable and he returns but she doesn't know. That would bring all that full circle versus out in the street. But who knows?? Always love your thoughts. Hope you have an awesome Friday-- 3 more days!!

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Hey there. Thanks! I totally agree that things may heat up quickly between Nathan and Elizabeth because they know each other well. But there’s still things for them to unpack too. Like others have been saying- gotta get to some deeper conversations like they do so well. I was just listening to an interview about Nathan n Allie scenes coming up too n how amazing they are. Can’t wait for that either.

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Excellent Cara! Way to go! You’ve done your research and it shows! I can’t wait to see the angry Nathan spring into action! If I may say, look at the latter half of season 10. The show and direction flipped. Season 6 may just be that! This courtship may come quicker than we think. They’ve been friends for a long time and know each other well. They still have much to talk about! That could happen quickly, like writing Nathan a letter and then reading it to him! Will the episodes give them that much time for something like that? It certainly doesn’t look like it!

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Hey Terry! I agree that it will get much faster now. This week they deal with Higgins together. Then following 2 weeks Tom is in town. And then Allie's storyline with her biological dad. It's going to be intense! I'm also curious when they will get a chance to really talk-- Kevin said it happens in an interview I believe. I'm wondering if that's the secrets at the end of season? Hear me, I'd love to have them before. Thanks as always for commenting. I'm working away at a few more blogs-- can't wait to see what you think. Always like your thoughts.

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Can’t wait for your next blog! They are going to make us wait whether we like it or not! The intense conversations will lead to the passion we’ve been waiting on! Unless they elope at the end of episode 12, it looks like season 12 will be their wedding! Ugh……

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Yep! I'm interested to see how quickly things heat up. Still not sure about eloping-- it's definitely possible. I think the breadcrumbs are there... I just don't know :) There's always a big gasping finish somewhere. Think Mei/Mike right now are getting the traditional storyline with the romantic dates and dinners, possibly wedding with the pink gowns. Although I agree with some people that it's odd they dropped pics with those so early and it's not in the episode guides. I wonder if Clara/Jess weddings and Flo/Ned's were-- feels like they were. OK now I'm rambling-- I'll go back to writing my blogs so we have something else to talk about. Have a great Friday!

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I’ll leave you with this thought! When they wrote season 11, I’m sure they had no idea if there would definitely be a season 12. So if there were not a season 12, and I think we know now there’s going to be, would they leave the main character, Elizabeth, unmarried and end the show? I don’t think so. That make me wonder about BBs beautiful cliffhanger comment! Could they leave us with a proposal and hope for season 12. Then you have to think about waiting until the end of 12 for a wedding! Ugh….

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